Lift table: automatic handling and lifting systems

Pallet elevator with roller conveyor

Lift table with ramp

Squaring curve

In-line pallet conveyor table for pallet transport

Pallet roller conveyor

La mesa elevadora, una herramienta fundamental en la industria moderna, combina funcionalidad con seguridad, permitiendo una operación más eficiente en varios escenarios.

Conocidas también como plataformas elevadoras, estas máquinas están diseñadas específicamente para elevar cargas, facilitando un amplio rango de tareas y operaciones en distintos sectores.

What is a lift table and what is it for?

Within industrial equipment, the lifting table stands out for its versatility and usefulness. It is a mobile platform whose main purpose is to lift and lower loads of different magnitudes.

While its function may seem basic at first glance, its impact on the efficiency and productivity of day-to-day operations is immense.

Beneficios de las mesas elevadoras en la industria

This equipment not only simplifies tasks; it brings with it a number of essential benefits to any industrial operation:

  • Ergonomía mejorada: Reducen significativamente la necesidad de levantar manualmente objetos pesados, minimizando riesgos de lesiones y garantizando una postura adecuada para el trabajador.
  • Time optimisation: By facilitating movement and access to different height levels, operations become faster and smoother.
  • Flexibility: Its use is not limited to a single sector. From automotive to logistics, the scissor lift table or double scissor lift table has been standardised, ensuring that loads and goods of all kinds can be lifted and handled with ease.

Types of lift tables

Hydraulic lift table

This model stands out for its robustness and ability to handle extremely heavy loads.

El sistema de mesa elevadora hidráulica aplicado por Mecanizados Vila-real utiliza dos brazos articulados unidos por rodamientos, permitiendo un ajuste preciso en altura.

This type of lift table also allows height adjustment for greater ergonomics and quality of work for the operator.

Scissor lift table

Con su diseño compacto y eficiente, Mecanizados Vila-real ha incluido en su catálogo mesas elevadoras de tijera de gran calidad.

Manufactured from the finest materials, these tables offer strength and durability. They are especially useful in assembly, packing and order picking operations, facilitating access at different heights.

Mesa elevadora doble tijera

A step up from the traditional scissor lift table, this dual-mechanism model offers even greater vertical reach, making it the perfect solution for tasks that require access to high altitudes.

Lift tables and lifting platforms: Uses and recommendations

From warehouses to mechanical workshops, the presence of the lift table is irreplaceable.

Las mesas elevadoras de tijera de Mecanizados Vila-real son un testimonio de excelencia, diseñadas para transportar y elevar mercancías de forma ágil y segura.

Cumplen rigurosamente con las normativas de seguridad, asegurando no sólo la protección de los productos sino también de los trabajadores responsables de su manipulación.

Es importante recordar que, al trabajar con maquinaria de esta naturaleza, la formación y capacitación son esenciales. La correcta operación y mantenimiento garantizan un rendimiento óptimo y una vida útil prolongada del equipo.

In short, if you are looking for equipment that provides quality, durability and efficiency, Mecanizados Vila-real is your ideal solution.

Discover the lift table that best suits your needs and maximise the efficiency of your operations!